Best Podiatrist Sydney

Anyone who has experienced bunions knows how uncomfortable and painful they can be. This foot deformity causes your big toe to angle towards the rest of your toes, while your metatarsophalangeal joint “pops” out, causing painful bony lumps on the inner edge of your foot. These lumps can become swollen, making it difficult to wear shoes, walk, and get around your day.

Symptom Relief

Fortunately, there are many ways to treat bunions and relieve their symptoms. Although bunion surgery is highly effective, there are also non-surgical devices that can help ease the pain caused by bunions. In some cases, bunion correctors might even help you avoid surgery entirely and can sometimes be helpful for Mortons Neuroma.

Bunion Correctors

There are many different types of bunion correctors available in the market, and trying to choose the best one can be confusing. These are some of the most popular types of bunion corrector:

Toe spacer: these bunion correctors are usually pads made out of gel or silicone. You place them between your big toe and second toe, and they provide relief by gently pushing your big toe into a more natural position. They also decrease the pressure that your big toe places over your second toe, thus minimizing the risk of blisters.

Bunion splints: these devices are usually worn while you sleep. You can find many designs with varying degrees of flexibility in the market. These bunion correctors work by pushing the big toe back into its normal position, and although they don’t eliminate the bunion, they can relieve its symptoms and halt its progress. They aren’t a quick fix; instead, you need to give them time to see results.

Arch supports: since bunions have been associated with flat feet, these bunion correctors provide structural support that keeps the bones in your feet properly aligned. Arch support devices can be bought over the counter or custom orthotics, and they limit the progression of the bunion.

Bunion pads: bunions tend to cause pain and swelling when they are pushed against a show or bunion corrector. Wearing gel or moleskin bunion pads can offer protection from friction and pressure, relieving these symptoms. Most bunion pads are durable and reusable.

Although these devices won’t correct the deformity caused by the bunion, they can relieve symptoms such as swelling and pain. They can also make it easier for you to carry out your daily tasks, and halt or slow the progression of the bunion. Many people wear bunion correctors in order to avoid surgical procedures. Make sure to consult with your  Sydney podiatrist before using a bunion corrector, since they will be able to recommend the best one for your symptoms.


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